Richard Chamberlain - Beverly Hills, 90 Before Justin Beiber and One Direction, there was George Richard Chamberlain. It might be hard to believe it but this man was a teen idol even before the term became popular. He was such a sensation it's hard to understand how he did it without the influence of social media. George's role as Dr. Kildare is what made...
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Richard Chamberlain - Beverly Hills, 90 Before Justin Beiber and One Direction, there was George Richard Chamberlain. It might be hard to believe it but this man was a teen idol even before the term became popular. He was such a sensation it's hard to understand how he did it without the influence of social media. George's role as Dr. Kildare is what made...
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MIREILLE MATHIEU – 76 ANS Mireille Mathieu a fait ses premiers pas dans le monde de la musique à 19 ans et elle s’est aussitôt distinguée par sa voix exceptionnelle. Elle s’est ensuite imposée comme une icône de la chanson française avec des chansons comme « Une femme amoureuse », « La dernière valse » ou encore « Mille colombes ». Quand on demande à Mireille Mathieu le secret de...